Day: October 6, 2014

  • I’m scared shitless

    I spent a good deal of time this afternoon and evening at the vet’s office with my one cat that almost died a few summers ago.  She hasn’t been acting normal the last few days and with all her problems from that illness it had me concerned.  She was sitting in one place and wouldn’t move and when she would walk to another room she’d plop down and start biting at her butt.  I was so fearful that she might have a blockage or something because she’s also been having hairballs lately.  Anyway, I took her out and the vet found flea dirt in her fur but the cat doesn’t go outside so I could’ve possibly brought them in.  Anyway, after a thorough exam the vet determined the cat doesn’t have any blockages and I have to give her a laxative for hairballs.  I’m also supposed to keep an eye on her for fleas.  I think the vet combed her fur for about an hour and didn’t find a single flea but plenty of dirt and scabs.  It was either she had fleas or she’s having some sort of possible allergic reaction.
    I shouldn’t be worrying about this because I have a slew of medical tests tomorrow.  I guess I’ll get to see if they’ll let me live or not because of all those death panels Obamacare installed.  I’m not the healthiest person so I think they’ll choose the death pile for me.  It’s follow up from tests that were done last week which came back with bad news.
    I am so frustrated and feel so alone but at least I have this cat. P1020593
    And this one too.
    I also love that after a year Xanga Team has actually decided to work on their customer relations.  I also love how the spam comments I get are from Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian.