October 9, 2013

  • Strange Facts

    -I was the ghost writer for DMX's "Party Up in Here"

    -I wrote an entire season of "My Name is Earl" but because of the writer's strike my episodes weren't picked up and the show was canceled.

    -70% of the internet is occupied by hypocrites

    -When two extremely possessive people fall in love with each other , telecommunication companies make an abnormal amount of money.

    -There's a Coldplay song for every single emotion you can feel except a kick in the balls

    -Kangaroos have 142 words for "boing"

    -The second world war started when Winston Churchhill refused to follow Hitler on Xanga 2.0

    -Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher helped invent soft-serve ice cream.

    -To the Vikings, it was considered rude to kill someone wearing green.

    -Putting a stick of margarine in a diesel engine will increase mileage by approximately 10%.

    -Osama Bin-Laden had a lifetime subscription to Mad magazine.

    -In Norway, pickled herring is a separate food group.

    -Albert Einstein was an avid bodybuilder.

    -If the Earth was put on a scale, scientists would be puzzled by the presence of that scale.

    -After extensive study of the Shroud of Turin, it has now been theorized that Jesus had muttonchops.

    -The most downloaded song on iTunes in 2007 was "Afternoon Delight" by the Starland Vocal Band.

    -After he was President, Harry S. Truman briefly coached the Boston Celtics.

    -Queen Elizabeth has seen the movie "Spaceballs" at least twelve times.   She used to screen the movie for foreign dignitaries.

    -Isaac Newton invented the game Hopscotch.

    -Although Thursday is historically thought of as being named after the god Thor, it was actually named for his brother Thur.

    -Xanga 2.0 is dead.

    Picture time

    Yeah I miss boobs on Xanga.
    His communion wafers are chocolate chip cookies.
    I had this weird dream the other night that Tim Tebow gave up on his football career and decided to be an actor.   He went on to become the new Incredible Hulk.  The next day I found this.
    Pokesicion Theology
    I'm the champion not just of pro-wrestling but of awesome hair.
    I think I'd rather eat his pizza instead of Papa John's
    I was driving around today and on this one street there were so many fastfood joints and restaurants advertising their pumpkin flavored stuff.  AND SO IT HAS BEGUN
    Then I'll secede and become emperor protectorate of the United States
    Who wants to help me claim my prize?  Sorry...so lonely.

Comments (24)

  • Ohmylanta, the wrestling belt pic.

    I have to be at church all morning on the 13th - I have the joy of giving presentations on my ministry and try to get volunteers for stuff. BLAHHHH. (But I'll call people out on not attending events when they bitch that we supposedly "have nothing to do", so that'll be fun for me... oops, got sidetracked) But I'll remember to take my bra off once I come home. ... bras hurt my big tata's, so once the bra's off then I feel so much better.

    I need to watch Spaceballs again. Maybe Friday night.

    • I almost bought a replica belt but I thought I could use $300 better ways.
      Last Sunday I got to church a half hour early for my Bible class and I ran into a missionary to the churched. Apparently organized churches are sinful. I think you read about it on Facebook. Anyway, he called up my pastor and and they had a long conversation that got really heated when he started making accusations about my pastor. He wouldn't say what they were but it had to be pretty bad to get that mild-mannered guy to hang up the phone on the missionary.

  • Still up to your excellent standards, I see. Really funny stuff here, Matt

  • I've never seen Spaceballs. I know. I live a sad life.

  • He must be in debt, his s is a sad 5.

    Pumpkin pumpkin everywhere. I see it and I just don't care.

    I hate Forrest Gump. I'm sorry Tom Hanks has diabetes. I hate how the Quaker Oats guy says diabeetus.

    Never saw Spaceballs, either.

    I like that word you used. Protectorate. That is a sexy word.

    • I love when signs like that use numbers instead of numbers. I've seen a 4 used as an A.
      I don't get the obsession with pumpkin in the fall. I'd think that you'd want those flavors when they aren't in season.
      I remember sneaking into a theater during high school to see Forrest Gump. I was one of 5 people in the theater. 3 others had snuck in. Only one person paid and it was a teacher at my high school.
      Man...you need to learn about The Schwarz.
      Emperor Norton taught me well.

  • I came back because I kept thinking about ghostwriting.

    Did you ever watch Ghostwriter on PBS? It was my favorite show back then (early 90s). Maybe I'm lame, I don't care. There was an episode with a slime monster that I still remember clearly, I learned what a bodega was, and had my first tv crush (on Alex).

    When anyone says ghostwriter, that's what I think of.

    • I never saw that show. I think it was on during the morning and I didn't have a lot of time in the morning to watch TV and also for some of the run of the show I was in high school and my first high school was a boarding school so I didn't really have a TV.

  • Is Xanga 2.0 really dead ? No since there still are humor in it!:-)
    In friendship

  • ha - I agree with Michel!

  • I'd like to go to Pastor C. Monsters church and not wear a bra and play hopscotch!!! :-D
    Fun facts! I didn't know any of them, but I now believe all of them! :-)
    HUGS!!! :-)

  • I like pumpkin stuff :) does Elton John's pizza have a lot of fruit on it? I like pineapple...

    hi :) long time no visit :)

    • good to see you back here
      I guess I'd like pumpkin stuff all year long instead of just between October and November. I had a friend that felt the same way about eggnog.
      Well Elton John's pizza ain't got no cherry...that's for truth.
      I hope you come back here more often.

  • Also, they should move "No Bra Day" to October 16th, because I have to go to vote that day. :D

  • Pumpkin spice latte-- and so it has begun, indeed! I should try that someday, only minus the pumpkin spice and milk parts of it. Coffee!

    But yeah, summer is finally over for this year. Finally.

    • I don't mind the pumpkin spice cappuccino. My aunt takes this shut-in lady to this free food market. Apparently they sit in line and wait for this company to distribute free food. Anyway, the past two months this little old lady didn't like one thing she got both months. It was a huge bag of pumpkin spice cappuccino. She gave it to my aunt who didn't want it so she gave it to me. I think each bag weighs about 3lbs and it only takes one tablespoon to make a cup.

  • Well I knew most of those facts already. But am rather confused by the last picture, it looks so genuine and confused me. Seriously. I've looked at it a few times. Great words godfatherofgreenbay I will be back in two months to see if there is any new posts.

    • Apparently this person went to a bar and that was on the receipt. It is for a free drink called a blowjob. I wish it was for something else for obvious reasons. Hope to see you in 2 months. I haven't been looking at posts here for about 4 days so I may get to knock that out in 5 minutes.

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