Day: November 26, 2013

  • Strange Facts

    OK, gang, here are the true facts from last week’s Strange Facts: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19.

    This week there are 10 true facts and 10 false facts.  Can you determine which are which?

    1.  The “D.C.” in “Washington D.C.” originally stood for “Da Capital” but Abraham Lincoln thought it was unprofessional so he changed it.

    2.  Certain frogs can be frozen solid, then thawed, and survive.

    3.  The Hamburglar once had a sidekick named Hamburglar Helper.

    4.  If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.

    5.  In Idaho, it’s perfectly legal to kill a man who doesn’t compliment your four-wheeler.

    6.  7-Eleven is the largest retail chain in the world.

    7.  Sriracha also works as an aftershave.

    8.  18% of an Americans income is spent on transportation.

    9.  Some “whale song” is actually whale farts.

    10.  The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

    11.  Despite occasionally being hit by them, deer actually loves jeeps.  The proof is if you flip the word “deer” upside down

    12.  3.6 cans of Spam are consumed each second.

    13.  Bears cannot smell grass.

    14.  60% of all people using the Internet, use it for pornography.

    15.  There are only 1200 false facts in existence.

    16.  Cats’ urine glows under a black light.

    17.  Serena Williams has 2 extra floating ribs.

    18.  Leo Fender, the founder of Fender guitars, never knew how to play the guitar.

    19.  Scientists have linked the size of one’s pelvic bowl to the length and intensity of one’s orgasm.

    20.  Deipnophobia is the fear of dinner party conversations.

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