Day: April 15, 2010

  • Lukewarm Links 4/15

    Wow, it's back people.  I hope you don't forget to watch the video in my last post, Colonel Angus.  Sorry non-residents of the United States, you'll have to pretend.
    1.  Because today is Tax Day, I thought we may want to learn from Tea Party Jesus.  Such wisdom, contrary to what he taught, oh well.

    2.  I've mentioned this before but there was a store of an adult nature that I laughed at every time I drove through Madison.  It was right off the Interstate and was the exit I took to go to the airport as well as the majority of the music clubs that I attended.  Anyway there were two things that I always chuckled about.  First, the store advertised that in addition to selling adult novelties such as porn and sex toys they were also a bakery but when I went I didn't see any cakes.  And second, the place had a semi-trailer outside originally with a tarp hanging on the trailer that said "Home of the Beer Lube".  Sadly that store burned down.  The AV Club section of The Onion had an article entitled "An ode to the Home of the Beer Lube".  It was touching.  Much to my surprise an adult novelty store opened near the casino and they now claim to be the "Home of the Beer Lube".  In case you want to know, here's the Beer Lube.

    3.  The commercials we have in America are crap compared to this one.

    4.  Slash recently appeared on the Jay Leno show and to show his support of Conan O'Brien, Slash had a pin of "Team Coco" on his coat.  NBC tried to edit it out.  A black dot will not make Coco disappear!

    5.  Is this a great photo or a great caption?  I wish I could be that funny.

    6.  I don't know if this is a great selling point for the Ford Focus.

    7.  You know I always thought nerds were supposed to be great engineers and could design better costumes than this.

    8.  Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if the word "fuck" was more visible? you go.

    9.  Are you torn with the issue of masturbation?  Well here are the dos and don'ts of masturbation from movies

    10.  And because I have a thing for half-naked women and because the baseball season is upon us, here are 25 sexy baseball fans.  Where is the love for my Brew Crew?

    I hope everyone has a great night.

  • Colonel Angus

    I was watching this Saturday Night Live in the 2000s or some oddly titled show in lieu of what has to be the greatest concept for a program in the history of television, The Marriage Ref.  They just had a bit of a skit about a Confederate solider named Colonel Angus.  OMG!  I am in tears.

    Oh to be headed to the deep south so that I might enjoy some time with Colonel Angus.

  • The Soul of the Hustler

    Nobody over at facebook enjoyed my money making scheme.  Pearls unto swine, I tell you.

    Behold...THE SOLO-BOAT!  Scientists want photographic evidence of the solo-boat so ladies if you or anyone you know can solo-boat, send me your photos and I will make sure they at some point make it to the hands of a scientist.

    And that is why I have a PC.


    This is the real reason why the other reindeer wouldn't let Rudolph join in any of the reindeer games.

    So like us...



    Hey look, kids, it's Curious George with his pal Bi-Curious Jorge.

    Hello Alcohol

    I wonder if that job reimburses all Taco Bell runs and if the health care covers cotton mouth.

    Sam Ronson's new girlfriend is head over heels in love with her and she's boots above Lindsay.

    Brings new meaning to the basketball term, "Setting the pick".'s bedtime.  I find myself lost in thought because right now it is unfamiliar territory.