Day: May 27, 2010

  • Lukewarm Links 5/27

    I'm back with another batch of links.  I'm sorry about not getting the next episode of Deadwood up yesterday but I had to expose my cock to Xanga.  I'll get back to Deadwood next week.  Anyway here are the links.

    The GodfatherofGreenBay blogs in front of a live studio audience.

    1.  Sometimes porn loses it's thrill but thankfully it leaves me with a dirty mind so that is why I find these examples of unintentional porn hilarious.

    2.  Are you a diabolical genius but you haven't developed your diabolical laugh for when you reveal your master scheme or capture the hero trying to stop you in your quest of world domination?  Well if you want a shortcut, here's a link that will supply the laugh for you.  Press the button, turn up the sound.

    3.  Not only do geeks give us great computers, they also give us awesome wallets.  I still need to buy myself a wallet that says "Bad Mother Fucker".

    4.  This is a real complaint to a pizza place.  Make sure you listen to the whole thing.  It would be better if they spoke in American.

    5.  Remember when "yo mama" jokes were so fashionable?  Well now the big thing is to make fun of you for your mom being at the club.  I spent so much time on that site.

    6.  Whenever I wander through a toy section at a retail store I am always amazed at the amount of crap on the shelves.  Then I remember my childhood toys.  Those were the days.  Now if only Edith came running with my beer...the dingbat.

    7.  Don't you just hate when an asshole turns out to be right?  Here's a list of 5 assholes despite displaying assholish behavior were correct.  I think by the end of the year Floyd Landis will be added to that list.

    8.  Do you want to play a joke on someone in the office?  Here's a list of jokes you can play with your office printer.  Those will come in very handy.

    9.  I've had a couple of break-up letters in my day.  The worst was via email.  Anyway none of them are as brutal as these break-up letters.

    10.  I know a few of you enjoy the TV show LOST.  Well here is a page that is devoted to all the Biblical references in the series.

    11.  Have you ever wondered what Disney princesses would be like if they were slutty?  Well now you no longer have to guess.

    12.  I know some of you have been diagnosed with cases of Bieber Fever.  For the rest of the sane people out there that hate him, here is a fun little trick that will enable you to rid your computer of any Justin Bieber references.  It's called Shaved it made wonder if he does actually shave.

    My kids asked if I could get them tattoos.  It's a good thing they are going back to their mom's place.

    Once again, the GodfatherofGreenBay blogs in front of a live studio audience.

  • Questions with the Godfather and his Cock

    For those of you who are new to these parts, I used to do a regular post featuring me answering questions alongside my cock, my pet rooster, Cocky McCockburns.  Well after a long break, Cocky and I are back to tackle all your questions.

    Me: So Cocky how was your time off?
    Cocky: You should be asking how was my time getting off.
    Cocky:  Oh it was so exciting.  I finally tricked out my car.

    Cocky: Do we tell the readers of the Valentine's Day debacle.
    Me: Oh please don't.
    Cocky: Well I won't have to tell them, I have photographic evidence and it is very graphic.

    Me: Please...stop
    Cocky: Anyway, fruit pie, I went back to my native Scotland.
    Me: Oh yeah?  How was that?
    Cocky: Oh it was exhausting and nerve-wracking.
    Me: How was it nerve-wracking?
    Cocky:  Well there was an incident and the police were after me, it was just a mess but I did get to see all my old friends and family.
    Me: If the police were after you, how did you get around?
    Cocky:  Oh I hid under a few kilts.
    Me: So there really is a Cocky underneath a Scotsman's kilt.
    Cocky: And I smuggled in a crate of our sponsor's goods under my kilt.

    Me: Well, Cocky, are you ready?
    Cocky: Cocked, locked and ready to unload.
    Me: Excellent...and now a word from our sponsors.

    This blog brought to you by Cockburns

    Cockburns produces some of the world’s finest Ports; make sure you try the full range and experience the signature Cockburns taste, picking your favorite for different occasions.

    When will the Braves win another World Series?

                                        Anxious in Atlanta


    Me: Well, despite the hot start, I think the Braves will not make the post-season.  Sorry to be upsetting.

    Cocky: OK, bitch-tits is such a naysayer.  The Braves will win the World Series as soon as I finish the voodoo dolls for every team in Major League Baseball

    What makes the best spankerchief?

                                        Self-Lover in Seneca

    Me: Why would I know about that?  Are you trying to insinuate something?

    Cocky:  Just answer the damn question you mary.  The godfather has a lifetime supply of Shamwow hidden under his bed.  You’ll love his nuts.

    Me: Cocky you got the slogans mixed up with the Slap-Chop.

    Cocky: Oh that’s right you aren’t into the sado-masochism but you do do a lot of slapping and chopping.

    How can I be as awesome as you guys?

                                        Awesomeness in Ashwabenon

    Me: Well, you see it’s just as simple as---

    Cocky: You wouldn’t know awesome if you had fireworks shooting out of your ass.  See, if you have to ask then you can never achieve the awesomeness that is me, Cocky.  I just don’t see it in store for you, poopy-pants.  You and the godfather should get together and wallow in your dorkiness.

    If someone is cross eyed naturally and has an orgasm, during their OH face do their eyes go straight for a bit?

                                        Curious in Kendall

    Me: I really don’t think that is how it works but then I’m not a licensed optometrist.

    Cocky: The only OH face the Godfather makes is when he is flipping through the music channels and he comes across, pun intended, Ciara’s new music video.  Then he says “Oh” and pulls out the Shamwow.  Actually people go from having cross-eyes to having lazy eyes.

    So my piece of crap Ford Focus is having problems.  I'll be driving without any problems then all of a sudden it'll shake and then the engine will turn off, and I'm in the middle of the road with a broken down car, BUT all I have to do is turn the car off, then on again and it's up and running like nothing happened.  What is wrong with my car?

                                        Ford Owner in Fountain City

    Me: If you’re driving for a while, it might be an oxygen sensor heating up then going out. You also might be losing fuel pressure or a pump might be going out, then going back on when you start it up again. There's a ton of things that might be wrong with it but it sounds mostly like it something in the fuel system.

    Cocky: Simple answer: it’s a Ford

    OK, that is it for this week and I plan on timestamping this.  I am warning you ahead so if you are a challenged Xangan and don't understand the mysticism behind the dreaded timestamp, DO NOT BEGIN TO BELIEVE THAT I AM HARASSING YOU!  I just want all people to enjoy the wisdom I dispense with my cock.

    If you have a question for myself or Cocky you can either email here at Xanga or at or you can ask anonymously over at our formspring.