May 1, 2010

  • Celebrity Round Up 4/30/2010

    The greatest thing happened last night.  I went to visit my friends and my goddaughter.  She is really sprouting up and is now walking and talking.  SHE SAID MY NAME!  It was so cute to hear her say "Matt".  That made me want to sit and and think about thinking about having a child some day.  On to the round-up!

    Perfection, thy name is Shauna Sand.  Honestly who wears something like that out for supper?  Oh yeah, Shauna Sand.  I bet if you cut open that woman's cranium instead of a brain you would find a vibrator.

    Pam Grier is writing a memoir and in it she chronicles a medical dilemma she experienced while dating Richard Pryor.  She went to a gynocologist and the doctor explained that in Hollywood there had been an epidemic of a crust build up of cocaine in the cervix and vagina.  Of course, Pam had this crusty build up and Pam wasn't doing drugs.  The doctor asked if her boyfriend (Richard Pryor) was putting coke on his penis to maintain erection....seriously, that works, then why all the fuss over Viagra...oh yeah, I'll keep going.  Pam claimed that she didn't think he put it on his dick because he didn't have a pile beside their bed that he dipped it into (Richard once had a joke that went something like "Even my dick has a cocaine jones").  Pam then admitted that she never saw him going into the bathroom before they had sex and the doctor said there was an emergency because the cocaine was in Pryor's semen.  The dude was doing so much blow that it wasn't break down and was in his jizz.  Pam also said that when she gave oral sex, her mouth went numb.  Cocaine has a Novocaine like side-effect.  HAHAHAHAHA....Richard Pryor, still making us laugh from beyond the grave.

    Olivia Munn is the new poster girl for PETA.  Yes, Olivia, I will boycott the circus.  Screw you Circus World Museum and your free elephant poop that I could use as fertilizer for my garden...thanks for the tip Lucy, that is so cool.  I am sure the neighbors will really appreciate that.

    While going to a PETA event to unveil her new poster, Olivia Munn was spotted near a burger joint and wearing leather boots.  This girl is so awesome.  MARRY ME! 

    Raise your hand if you would like to do nudity in a future movie project.  Yes, Miley said in an interview this week that she is willing to do nudity in a movie as long as it is classy.  Ha!  What's classy for the hillbilly?  Skinemax?  But classy nudity...I guess that rules out nudity in a Hannah Montana movie unless I write the script and include a scene where Hannah discovers a crazy drink called tequila.

    Here's a little Mick Jagger for the ladies.  You're welcome, grandma. 

    I never thought Megan Fox would do good in a period piece but this still shot from the upcoming Jonah Hex movie makes me...well it makes me really want to see that movie.

    This week Marky Mark was talking about how he was offered a role in Brokeback Mountain before Jake Gyllenhaal or Heath Ledger.  He didn't quite know what he should do after he read the script so he went to a Catholic priest for guidance in the matter.  The priest objected to the role and Marky Mark declined the role.  Let me get this straight...hahaha straight...the church objected to his appearance in Brokeback Mountain but they didn't say boo when he flashed his 13 inch prosthetic penis in Boogie Nights? HMMMMMM...It's all starting to not make sense.


    Lindsay was banned from a night club for life this week because she threw an empty glass at the head of her ex-girlfriend, Sam Ronson.  I try not to divulge to much of my personal information but do you know what Linday's drug-induced downward spiral reminds me of from my life?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

    I really don't know what to say about Lindsay and her mother Dina in NYC getting hot-dogs other than, "How many Lohans does it take to get a wiener wet?"

    Leonard Nimoy is trying to stay hip and with it by throwing up a shocker...or wait, is it called The Spocker?  He should have used that instead of that Vulcan crap and instead of "Live long and prosper," he could have said "Two in the pink and one in the stink."

    Kate Gosslein is a horrible failure.  Not only did she get kicked off DWTS...what does that stand for again, donuts with tartar sauce...wait, Dancing With the Stars.  How hard is it to be on that show?  She has slave labor back at home.  OK so she got voted off but her biggest failure is her recent book.  The publisher expected it to sell at least 100,000 copies in the first week and possibly by now 1,000,000 copies.  So far it has only sold...drumroll please(hold down your left button on the drum to make the anticipation grow)...10,000 copies.  Apparently people don't want a book of Kate's prayers for her children and they don't want to read her journal entries.  Who'd a thunk it?  I wonder how Kate would fair on Xanga.  I know I would probably be the first person she'd block.

    In "What the hell is wrong with kids these days" news, a Justin Bieber concert was canceled because a group of something like a billion pre-teen girls trampled some other pre-teen girls after a rumor spread at a concert site that Justin was going to be starting earlier than expected.  Instead of performing live, Justin had to perform from the safety of a studio.  This is getting ridiculous.  OK in defense of those pre-teens suffering from this epidemic known as Bieber-fever, at least they are worshipping a baby instead of having babies...yeah that's a big fuck you to MTV's 16 and Knocked Up.

    Jessica Simpson was on...DAMN!

    Tito Ortiz was arrested this week for domestic violence against his girlfriend Jenna Jameson.  She said that she was pressing charges and that the children were alright.  In Tito's defense, Jenna has video footage that she loves to be tied-up, handcuffed, ball-gagged, choked, spanked, slapped in the face, spit on, and fisted all while being called a whore.  How was he supposed to know she didn't like to be punched in the face?  So we can now add blood to the body fluids that have been on Jenna's face.  Tito is claiming that Jenna was high on Oxycontin and he was restraining her because she was causing the harm to herself.  So let's sort out the facts: the woman who has a lifetime of bad decision making skills and drug abuse claims that the man who is a prize fighter and who she claims is a teddy bear snapped and beat her up.

    Jenna is seen here with her arm all bandaged.  She has since dropped charges against Tito.  I don't want to come off as defending a wife beater but after he apologized for saying she was on Oxy, Jenna dropped charges.  I've been around druggies and they have very erratic behavior so who knows.

    Here's a little something for the ladies even if Jakey isn't really into the ladies and don't say "But he's married to Reese Witherspoon, Godfather," because you'd be running to the arms of the opposite sex if you had to hear that nasally fingers on chalkboard voice of Witherspoon's 24/7.  Jake Gyllenhaal is in the new Prince of Persia movie.  I never played that video game so I won't be able to judge whether or not the movie sticks close to the game. 

    And I only use this photo of Heidi Montag because after all her surgeries, I can't stand to look at her face.  People are claiming that she is addicted to painkillers which might explain why she had so many plastic surgeries performed in one day.  Not only being delusional about her appearance, Heidi also figured that the more surgery she had done, the more painkillers they would use and prescribe, and she also needed all the meds to "cope" with her new body.  Also if you watched the new Hills episode you would see how she is experiencing classic drug addict behavior.  I can't believe I am spending time on this when the Gulf Coast is under a state of emergency and Arizona has passed that intriguing immigration reform bill but sweet Jesus, just once in my life, despite my seldom seen maturity, I want to go motorboating, but with Heidi, I'd need SCUBA gear.

    A long time ago I made mention that they were making a Smurfs movie.  Apparently the movie is set in New York City and will be live-action plus animation sort of like the recent Chipmunk movies.  Here we see Amy Winehouse Hank Azaria as Gargamel.  Oddly enough he looks like he could fit in because he sort of has the crack-addict hipster look going for him.

    Radar Online claims they have possession of a sex tape starring Chelsea Handler.  Chelsea came back at them on her show by thanking them for ruining her Christmas gift to her staff.  Yes, she filmed a comedy skit for her workers.  That's actually a pretty lame gift in my opinion.  So what makes this funny?  When the guy is trying to enter does he slip on a banana peel?  Or does she get a cream pie in the face?  Usually when I am behind a girl there's more crying than laughing...actually I'm the one crying and she's the one laughing...sigh.

    I don't know what the hell is going on here between Chaz Bono and Johnny Weir but I am feeling very weird, the same sort of weirdness I get when I watch Ru-Paul's Drag Race and see Jujubee.  My brain is about to pull a Bret Michaels so...NEXT

    Hey, Beyonce, better put a bikini on it...ok attempt two...Hey, Beyonce, better put an areola on about I let you write the joke?  As in the words of Ru-Paul, don't fuck it up!  CAN'T GET DRAG RACE OUT OF MY MIND!

    Ahhhhh...that's better....Adrienne Curry is the winner of Twitter this week.  Wait, that's wrong, we're the winners.  Or am I a loser since I am ogling a woman on wonder I am single.

    The third Batman movie to be directed by Christopher Nolan was given the go-ahead this week and Christian Bale is attached to star as Bruce Wayne and Batman.  SWEET!  No other cast has been has been announced so I guess this means let the Johnny Depp as The Riddler rumors begin.  Poop on that noise.  Depp being signed to this movie would be disastrous for the franchise just like in the first Batman series.  They started signing big name actors for the villain parts regardless of their acting talent although Jim Carey was a good Riddler, Arnold Schwarzenegger sucked as Mr. Freeze as did Tommy Lee Jones as Two Face or whoever played Catwoman.  Thank god Nolan hates Catwoman.  I think Anthony Michael Hall will be The Riddler.  Why?  Watch Dark Knight.  I'm also hoping they bring in Harley Quinn.  Possibly Depp could play Mad Hatter...get it?  Oh well it's supposed to be released the summer of 2012 that way it beats the end of the Mayan calendar.

    Gargamel Amy Winehouse fell down some stairs and rushed to the hospital because she thought she may have pierced one of her breast implants.  She didn't bust a jug but had some bruised ribs, a bump on her head, and a cut above her eye.  Hey, it sounds like she was hanging out with Tito Ortiz.  Amy has rushed to the hospital many times in the past few months because of fears that she has burst a boob.  She just likes hospitals.  They're the only places where she can get pills by the pallet.

    HALLELUJAH!  Britney Spears is wearing a bra!  Can you believe it people?!?!?!?!  She's wearing a bra!  It's such an amazing's like a horse wearing a saddle or better yet, a football player wearing shoulder pads...FUCKING SHOULDER PADS!

    Video Section:

    MIA has a controversial video out.  I am really digging her stuff.  I haven't heard if she allowed back in the U.S.  Anyway here is the forewarned, it's graphic and contains gingers.

    M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.

    Have you ever wondered what The Hills would be like if all the main characters had kids?  Or what the main characters were like when they were children?  Maybe this will answer those questions.

    I hope everyone has a swell weekend.

Comments (48)

  • lol there were a lot of boobs in this post, but Sand's picture is RIDICULOUS! I can't believe she actually wore that.

    And I like M.I.A's music video. I think it's pretty powerful. A bit too political....but I liked it. I don't think it should have been banned from youtube though.

  • I saw that M.I.A. video with my roommates and we were like WHUT DA PHUCK IS GOING ON WITH THIS SHIT.

    Then we tried to send it to that angry ginger dude.

  • that video greatly damaged my calm

  • And I accused my niece Jessenia being so ‘Justin Bieber’ when she told me about concert has been cancelled due to something like that.
    If you ask me, I’ll tell you that J. Bieber is too feminine.  I don’t know what’s wrong with teen girls these days.

  • Holy shit, this was a huge roundup this week! Thanks.  It's 6 AM,  I'm only into my 3rd beer of the day so my comments will have to wait. I'm not awake yet, wait til I finish this 6 pack.  

  • I'm so glad to see these, and glad to see you're staying and you're back! Yes!

  • if you ask me, that mia video somehow reminded me of what's going on in the palestine/israel region...

    powerful stuff that video

  • Mick is getting pretty ghoulish . . . I wonder when the next tour is . . . If Murder she wrote was still a TV show, he and Stevie Tylor could be doing guest roles . . . when did they get so old????

  • i can't believe that's britney. she's wearing clothes? wait, her shirt has a rip in it. what's wrong with this girl? wait, did i seriously just ask that question. hehe

    i don't want to see or talk about heidi montag anymore. i am sick of her and the hills. where did lauren go anyway? she was the only one with potential.

    MIA's video has fat people sex in the first minute. do you think people really wanna see that, MIA?

    jake's wearing makeup. that could not be his real body.

  • Oh, so sweet that the girl said your name! :)

    I saw Marky Mark in a movie this weekend and he doesn't look like on your photo anymore - he is getting old too!

    I love your smurf jokes! lol

  • Is he really is/was Reese hubby?

  • Did you get out fishing?

    @whereisichi - 

    you say "a lot of boobs in it" like it's a bad thing

  • Oh man, I hope they introduce Harley Quinn. I think she would bring a lot of dynamic to the screen. And wow, that's a super cute and funny reenactment of the Hills.

  • Jake and Reese are married? How did I miss that? Last I knew, they had broken up and she was with some other guy.

    Oh, damn...Chaz Bono. Oh, well...I guess one doesn't BECOME a man to suddenly get vain about his looks.

  • I now have had another "wow" moment today lol thanks to this... had no idea about the effects of cocaine in hollywood bedrooms.

  • "Amy Winehouse Hank Azaria as Gargamel" LMAO!!!! A very scary resemblance indeed.

  • I had a great weekend! And this is funny as hell! You are still at the top of your game, I see.

  • I read a suggestion for the role of the Riddler: David Tennant.  That's a very interesting choice... I wonder if he could pull off an American accent?  He definitely could fit the energy, intelligence, and insanity needed for the role.  Plus, I already miss that gorgeous hair of his :)

  • great stuff and i love it.....i look forward to your round up!

  • @whereisichi - 

    OK that is a ridiculous outfit for Shauna Sand. I guess there are more boobs because it is starting to warm up and they are starting to wear less clothing which is good news for all of us...I think.

    I really dig M.I.A.'s stuff. I can't remember what her situation is with entering the US because she supposedly had ties to some terrorist group.

  • @Chinese_Sait0u - 

    It's interesting how the video was banned from youtube. I have seen far worse but of course there were old people's naughty bits.

  • @TheGiantSlayer - 

    Sorry about that. I think I gave a warning.

  • @RestlessButterfly - 

    Hahaha...that's funny that you pick on her because of Bieber. I don't get why people are going nuts for him.

    Oh and I checked it out, Reese and Jake weren't married but they dated and while I was absent from the computer they broke up.

  • @dikdoktor - 

    I wonder if you could polish off this six pack. I drove by there today and got awfully thirsty.

  • @fading_roses19 - 

    I guess I am privileged to be doing this.

  • @maniacsicko - 

    Hmmm I can really see the correlation between that video and the Israel/Palestine conflict. Thanks for the comment.

  • @jacksoncroons - 

    A new Rolling Stones tour would be pretty wild...smashing walkers and throwing IVs around the stage...refusing to take their medication...naughty nurses...I better quit.

    I think we think they remain the same age because they always stay the same age as they are on the album where they appeared...if that makes sense.

  • @royal_diadem - 

    I think Britney is just finally living up to her trailer park reputation.

    Lauren Conrad was the only one worthwhile on that show. I think Lauren left the show because it wasn't "real" any more and Spencer and Heidi had become the "stars" so now she is focusing on her fashion line and acting career...I can't believe I know this. I loved how in that video they played up the creepy eyes of Audrina Partridge.

    hey, I have to see fat people sex whenever I...wait, I'm celibate.

    I am pretty sure the make-up crew on Prince of Persia will win the best make-up Oscar and any photo of him from that movie will win Photoshop of the year.

  • @nattata - 

    Yes, I should post a photo of Lilly. She is getting so big.

    Which Marky Mark movie did you see? I recently watched Max Payne and was not thrilled.

    I loved The Smurfs when I was a kid and I would talk like them much to my parents' hatred.

  • @ElevenStones - 

    No...I did my evil second job this week or at least it is evil in the eyes of certain Xangans...CENSUS WORKER!

  • @mZdejavuZ - 

    I loved how they really captured the idiosyncrasies of The Hills especially Audrina's eyes as well as Heidi's grotesque plastic face.

    My only concern with the introduction of Harley Quinn would be the inclusion of The Joker. I would hope they respect Heath Ledger not to do a CI version of him.

  • @Another_Perfect_Wonder - 

    Yes, I thought they had married for some reason and their break-up occurred when I had no celebrity gossip news aka no computer so I am extremely sorry for any misleading information. I need to hire a fact-checker but I would have to find alternate methods of payment.

    I was wondering if Chaz was dating Johnny Weir. I mean that would basically make Chaz straight...right? He was a she and then is dating a head hurts.

  • @NightlyDreams - 

    Sadly those effects are felt all over the globe.

  • @godfatherofgreenbay - 

    wow, I had no idea. I have to look that up. I know she has some radical ideas, but I don't think she would actually bomb the U.S.

  • @UR_MUSE - 

    A while back I made that observation with a photo of Amy Winehouse. I can't find the photo in my Xanga but here is a link to one similar to what I used.

  • @MelFamy - 

    I may be on top of my game but there are a few ladies in this round-up that I'd love to be on top of....ZING!

  • @ithiliya - 

    Hmmm that is an interesting person for the role. There is another person in Dark Knight that is rumored to be a character in the next Batman movie and that was the whistleblower guy. I can't remember his name but my bet is that the backstory of whoever the villain will be in the new one will be the guy who was the TV reporter who was locked up on that bus...seriously I need a life.

  • @whereisichi - 

    It was something with her lyrics and her objection to The War Against Terror. The only article I could find about it is here.

  • @godfatherofgreenbay - It was "Date night", a quite funny movie.

  • @nattata - 

    You know I haven't seen it but people in my small town are raving about it because there is a guy who is my age that is supposedly in it. I am thinking he is an extra and doesn't have any lines but he's still in it. That's sort of freaky that he's in a major motion picture and the population of this town is only 1200.

  • @godfatherofgreenbay - 

    That was merely a statement of fact, and not an accusation of dis-warning.

  • @godfatherofgreenbay - I can't exactly judge.  I mean, a co-worker of mine today said "rude" and before I could stop myself I responded "and not ginger" *LOL*

    Were you talking about Morgan Freeman's character?  If so, I think I heard that same rumor.

    Personally, I think they should bring Scarecrow back.  I loved him as a villain, and they've kept him around, so maybe....  Plus, Cillian Murphy is brilliant :)

  • @ithiliya - 

    I hadn't heard anything about Morgan Freeman's character but the two people to whom I was referring were the characters named Coleman Reese and Mike Engel. Engel was played by Anthony Michael Hall, he was that reporter guy that ended up being locked up in the bus when Joker blew up the hospital. Supposedly that experience drives his character mad. Coleman Reese was the guy who worked for Wayne Enterprises and found a money trail leading to who he thought was Batman and tried to blackmail Wayne Enterprises but I forget what happened to him. I can't remember what the name of the actor is.

  • @godfatherofgreenbay - OOOH, I remember him now.  Sorry it's been a while. 

  • @godfatherofgreenbay - 

    "...especially Audrina's eyes as well as Heidi's grotesque plastic face" LOL!! Yeah I totally agree! And I really hope they don't do a CI version of him either.... Whatever they do, I hope they get it right in the next one...

  • @godfatherofgreenbay - These are too many teenagers around and Justin is same age as them.  See how easy they accepted Lindsay and Miley last time.

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